Saturday, November 30, 2019
Jorge Alfonso Ramos Ortega Essays - Fiction, Culture, Jedi, Jediism
Jorge Alfonso Ramos Ortega Professor Jose Julian Celada Ruiz Upper English 02 November 2016 Jediism as a new religion in our current society Nowadays in our current society there is an assortment of religions that, have been established for years , the religions with more followers are; Christianism with two thousand million follower s , Islam with one thousand three hundred million followers and Hinduism with eight hundred fifty one million. With 19 major religions already established, people think that creating a new religion could be difficult, nevertheless the number of followers of many religions is decreasing, young people are conflicted by too many theories that have been revealed, this group people are favoring party to be atheists, agnostics, freethinkers , as non-religious organizations, it does not mean that religious people does not think freely. H owever there are appearing new religions like scientology, the church of euthanasia and Jediism. Knowing about a new religion which adapt to the mentality and way of life of our current society is usele ss in order to open the panorama of it. Focusing on Jediism as new recognized religion that people could take as a game or without the seriousness that deserves , due to the bases of it; the Star Wars franchise in which the main characters are fictional Jedis who believe in the Force, for that people think Jediism is not a serious religion . For that people who believe in this as a religion and not a game make churches around the world, like in Texas where the Temple Of The Jedi Order was created, as it said Jedis believe in the Force and the Temple Of The Jedi Order define the Force as "a ubiquitous and metaphysical power that aJedi(a follower of Jediism) believes to be the underlying, fundamental nature of the universe.", Temple Of The Jedi Order is the First International Church Of Jediism; it is located in Texas, United States it could be abbreviated as TotJO. The Jedis (follow ers of Jediism) believe that r eligion is more than that; they believe that Jediism is a way of life based on the Jedi Code, The Three Tenets, Sixteen Teachings and Twenty One Maxims. The beliefs will be explained further into the essay . They apply their beliefs in a practical way in their lifes. They do not deny they relationship with the mythical Jedis of the movie Star Wars, nevertheless they do not worship the creator or the movie itself, they "accept myth as a sometimes more practical mean of conveying philosophies applicable to real life." (TotJO 2016), TotJO also has its own emblem. The emblem is conformed by the five star representation of the Jedi Code , the Sixteen Teachings; as a sixteen star and the interdependence of light and dark. Jediism as any other religion has it owns Days of Significance; most of these days match with other special days of other religions like Christianism such as Christmas Day which in Jediism is the Anniversary Day . Jediism also have specific reflections on each month, they believe "The Reflections are dichotomies of, for lack of better terms, v ices and virtues of human nature. One cannot reduce all the variables of the human experience into 12 dichotomies of vice/virtue, nor insist that these are the most important." The Days of Significance such as the Monthly reflections will be exposed further in the essay . Everyone ca n join Jediism, in TotJO website request the guest to register so he can participate in forums or Sermons which members published and give their opinion about it, before you register they ask the guest to read the rules so the relationship between Jedis could be as healthy as possible, taking care of the integrity of each member. TotJO allow people to register even if they do not believe in Jediism as a religion. The Jedi code which is part of their Doctrine, the code is the set of rules that Jedi has to follow . The Jedi code says; "There is no Emotion, there is Peace. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge. There is no Passion, there is Serenity. There is no Chaos, There is Harmony. There is no
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